Advocating for CACFP: How to Host Elected Officials
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Advocating for CACFP: How to Host Elected Officials
Thursday, June 15, 2023 (2:00 PM - 2:30 PM) (EDT)
Showcasing your program is one of the most impactful ways to advocate for the CACFP. Invite your elected official to join you at your site to interact with and serve meals/snacks to the children or adults in your care. Learn how to host your elected official at your site, from the initial invite to the follow up after a successful site visit.
Earn 0.5 CEUs for attending this Zoom webinar, brought to you by the National CACFP Sponsors Association.
Presented By:
Alexia Thex, MEd
Director of Policy and Partnerships
National CACFP Sponsors Association
McKenzie Brunner, MGPS
Policy and Outreach Specialist
National CACFP Sponsors Association
Registration for this live event has now closed. Find the recording to this session and others in our Learning Center.
Educational Webinars