Exhibitor Directory
Delicious natural snacks. Our Amazin’ Raisins, Mini Graham Chortles and Kickin’ Kernel Sunflower seeds are ready to enjoy.
Arlington Valley Farms creates scratch-made, school-friendly foods that are nutritious, convenient, and incredibly delicious!
Ben E. Keith Co. is one of the nation’s largest broadline foodservice distributors servicing twenty states in the Southcentral US.
BCBSTX’s mission is to promote health and well-being through accessible, affordable, and quality healthcare for Texas communities.
Bright Track automates your child nutrition training. Choose from over 100 online CACFP, SFSP and NSLP courses - English + Spanish.
Making Healthy Happen by Butter Buds! No cook Butter & Cheddar sauces plus high temp pan sprays available.
Free resources to reinforce lactation support for families & staff. Simple job aides created with & for ECE professionals.
Are you paying first class prices for coach experience? FLY THROUGH YOUR PAPERWORK with our robust web based/mobile application!
Provides a nutritional line of shelf-stable breakfast, lunch, snack, and supper packs for schools, food banks, and faith-based community organizations.
Choice Partners national co-op: competitively bid food, equipment and service contracts; EDGAR and USDA compliant; and may be used with federal funds.
Darlington Snacks offers a delicious snacking experience. Products are I/W, shelf stable and pre-baked in a nut-free facility.
Diversified Foods is a food distributor of Pantry Fresh™ shelf-stable milk and other shelf-stable 100% real milk products.
From time-saving products to menu trends and recipe inspiration, Dole brings Brilliant Fruit Solutions™ to K-12 operators.
Dr. Yum’s Food Adventure is a fun, easy evidence-based program to help picky eaters and reduce school food waste at the same time.
Our self contained meal kits, Breakfast Breaks and Meal Breaks are available in both shelf stable and thaw & serve.
Mission-driven nonprofit with a shared services model, 1-on-1 support & software solutions for CACFP, child care providers, EHS & substitute placement.
Equip is a virtual eating disorder program. All ages accepted. We take insurance & offer a free assessment. Available nationwide.
Food & Supply Source provides: 10-35% Savings on Food & Supplies, CACFP Approved Nutritional Menus, No Cost & No Contract!
Food for Good leverages PepsiCo's expertise to provide a variety of nutritious meals to underserved communities across the U.S.
Fresh Baby develops products to empower all ages with the knowledge to put US Dietary and Physical Activity Guidelines into action.
G.A. Systems, Inc. specializes in cafeteria serving counters, Grab & Go to Serve Up, Campus Carts, Sharing Stations & more.
Gaia partners with school nutrition teams to deliver an AI-powered, cloud-based platform that integrates menus, inventory, ordering, and POS.
General Mills offers CACFP-creditable whole grain-rich cereals & other menu solutions for nutritious, kid-friendly meals & snacks.
Gerber is a leader in childhood nutrition committed to being your partner in childcare. Access CACFP ordering options.
Our 100% juices include flavor varieties children love and are made with no sugar added, no artificial sweeteners, and no HFCS.
Health-e Pro simplifies menu planning and compliance, helps with accurately crediting recipes and maintaining documentation.
Highland Beef Farms is a leader in the development and marketing of high-quality, shelf-stable meat and cheese products.
Hiland Dairy provides an extensive selection of dairy products from the heartland to your table.
Education and Training Resources for CACFP Professionals. All resources are FREE of charge and available for download on our website.
IPS Rebates provides revenue for Child Nutrition Programs through purchases made through their distributor and will send you a check each quarter.
Easy and convenient high-quality Grab & Go meals for Afterschool and Summer Feeding Programs.
Kaplan Early Learning provides quality Early Childhood Resources and Services that encourage learning through play.
Maximize claims and minimize paperwork: KidKare’s digital forms, mobile-friendly meal tracking, and 200+ edit checks keep you compliant.
Asian Cuisine, Sauce, Seasonings, Panko, Consumer Packaged Goods, Food & Beverage, Marketing, Sales.
No more paper forms! A fully mobile point of service software that helps CACFP/SFSP sponsors go paperless, automate compliance and increase reimbursements.
Logatot simplifies child care with voice commands, automating compliance and communication so providers can focus on the children in their care.
MBC Companies offers trusted brands like Bake Crafters and Nardone Bros. Pizza, delivering nutritious, high-quality food solutions nationwide.
Your partner in the fight against hunger, providing food solutions for child nutrition programs, nonprofits, and feeding initiatives.
MH Miles Co. is a CPA firm specializing in governmental compliance for CACFP, SFSP, and NSLP providing services to CNP sponsors, State agencies, and USDA FNS.
Miss Olive’s and Snap Gourmet provides shelf stable RTE and frozen RTC meals. Perfect for non-congregate and congregate settings.
The most customizable software to help manage the CACFP and SFSP and minimize errors with easy transition and simple pricing.
Myers and Stauffer assists state agencies with Child Nutrition Program administrative reviews, procurement reviews, and compliance services.
The leading national organization supporting CACFP & SFSP sponsors and providers with educational webinars, resources and community.
The National Pork Board is a commodity board used to help with promotion, research and education.
Niagara Bottling is a leading beverage manufacturer in the U.S. providing healthy hydration for the entire family at a value.
Novick Childcare Solutions provides the services, food, and essentials you need to succeed with your CACFP nutrition program.
Packaging system–machine, trays, lidding film. Package your fresh meals and snacks. Ideal for non-congregate service and FFVP.
Power Packs, fueled by Optimum Foods, offers nutrient-dense, ready-to-eat meal kits and multi-day meal boxes for you School, After school and/or Summer needs.
Better Kid Care provides evidence-informed professional development opportunities for those who care for children and youth.
Producer of packaged fresh sliced apples, applesauce cups, 108 oz pouch of applesauce and shelf stable juice cups. USDA approved.Exhibitor Directory
Exhibitor Directory
Amazing Fruit Products
Arlington Valley Farms
Ben E. Keith Company
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas
Brighton Training Group
Butter Buds Inc.
Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute (CGBI)
CenterPilot, LLC
Champion Foodservice
Choice Partners Cooperative
Darlington Snacks
Diversified Foods Inc.
Dole Packaged Foods
Dr. Yum Project
E S Foods
Early Learning Ventures
Food & Supply Source
Food for Good by Pepsico
Fresh Baby
G.A. Systems, Inc.
Gaia Software
General Mills
Gerber Products Company
Harvest Hill Beverage Company
Health-e Pro
Highland Beef Farms
Hiland Dairy Foods
Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN)
IPS Rebates
JA Food Service/ Packaged Meal Kits
Kaplan Early Learning Company
KidKare by Minute Menu
Kikkoman USA
MBC Companies (Bake Crafters & Nardone Bros. Brands)
McLane Hunger Solutions
MH Miles Company, CPA, PC
Miss Olive's Meals and Snap Gourmet Foods
My Food Program
Myers and Stauffer LC
National CACFP Association
National Pork Board/Texas Pork Producers Association
Niagara Bottling, LLC
Novick Childcare Solutions
Oliver Packaging and Equipment
Optimum Foods
Penn State Extension Better Kid Care Program
Peterson Farms Family of Companies
Thank you to our...
American Academy of Pediatrics Bright Futures National Center
California Dried Fruit Coalition (CDFC)
Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute (CGBI)
Dairy Council of CA/Let's Eat Healthy
No Kid Hungry Campaign by Share Our Strength (SOS)
Pacific Northwest Canned Pears